What should we do next?

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Beginning

This all began Saturday when we started packing the car. The rest of my family had already left for the beach and had left me with what ever they could not fit in their cars. (Mind you we have 8 people in our family going in 3 separate cars) I started packing my 2003 Pontiac Vibe, which has lots of room, this was then followed by me cursing at how much stuff they had packed. There was more stuff than I could fit in the car so there ended up being a car accessory on the roof of my car. This was followed by going out to the bars for a bit of drinking.

Sunday started off with waking up and mowing the lawn followed by a quick shower and then off to a Masons Party where we won one round of corn hole followed by two drastic losses!

After the party we went home switched cars and started our trek to the beach!

Two hours down 77 we decided to stop and get some dinner. We used the wonders of technology and used our phones to see what was around. The Droid suggested a place called Galaxy Pizza in a town called Byersville in souther Ohio. The pizza was out of this world but the rest was just mediocre. Then we set off again. 

I was all excited to be on the road again, only 10.5 hours to go! Some where in West Virginia I stopped to get gas and the GPS decided to change how we were traveling so we followed it. 

This is where the adventure begins. We started down what I can only say as the scariest drive of my life. The GPS told me to go down WV 20 for about 12 miles then turn down US 250. At the beginning of 250 it was just like any other rural road at 11 pm, narrow roads winding through the landscape. Then came mountains, in the dark, with an overloaded car. First it was up one side, curving first to the left then to the right. Then there were extremely tight turns that would come out of no where, slamming on the brakes so as to not crash, holding the steering wheel like a stunt driver, and shifting to keep the brakes from going out. Then the crest and the ominous sign saying steep downhill grade. All that was going through my mind was, "Deep breath, Keep breathing, and here we go....." Then down the other side we went, holding on for dear life, shifting so as to not over heat the brakes, narrowly missing the guard rail, seeing deer waiting to jump infront of the car. Followed by the narrow dark curves with a rock wall on one side and a forest on the other, praying that I don't hit the one side or fall off the other.

Finally down the mountain and through a small town. A few small lights, the GPS saying in .5 miles turn right, and just a beautiful field to the right... I turn right and the GPS says 20 miles on US 250 and then it says, "Lost signal", and stops reading. It is now 1 in morning and I have not seen a single car in over an hour. I was getting scared. My headlights were flickering like my battery was going dead and to add insult to injury it was impossible to see more the 20 yards ahead or to either side. This went on for over two hours through the middle of the night. Nearing the end of my sanity my GPS came back on and then finally the last leg of 250. One last deep breath, here we go. Once we were through I was very relieved. We switch drivers at this point and I went to sleep. 

I woke up about two hours later and then I got back at the wheel for the last bit of the drive. Just before we arrived we hit rain which was desperately need to clean all the dead bugs off the car. 

As soon as we arrived we unpacked the car and found out the house has an elevator which made getting everything up to the 4th floor much easier. The time at that point is about 8 in the morning and I am exhausted. I make some Ramen noodles and coffee and fall asleep. 

I wake up around 12 to go to the beach. I went out there and got thrown around like a rag down and was stalked by a jelly fish for quite some time. I proceeded to go back to the house and get some lunch then take a nice long nap, again. I woke up from this long nap and had ham for dinner!!!!

This is about the time I started typing this, it is now 9:30 so it has taken a while to type. We are playing backwards war now and drinking so tomorrow is a new day and I will keep you posted!


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